Inglés Idiomático 3

Autor: Long, Buckwald

ISBN: 9682440025

Editorial: Trillas Editorial

Edición: 1

Páginas: 372

Formato: 21x14x2

Cant. tomos: 1

Año: 2005

Idioma: España

Origen: México

Disponibilidad.: Disponible

Gs 129.600
La gran acogida que desde hace varios años ha tenido la serie Inglés idiomatico 1, 2, 3, entre maestros y alumnos de los diversos niveles a los cuales satisface, obedece a la enorme versatilidad de la misma, así como a la magnífica calidad de su contenido. La obra permite al lector conocer las estructuras gramaticales del idioma inglés y proporciona numerosos ejemplos y ejercicios que harán posible alcanzar un grado satisfactorio de expresión.
Lesson 1
Being introduced and saying good-
bye, 10. afirmative contractions
with forms of the verb be and a
Lesson 2
A telephone conversation,
affirmative contractions with forms
of the verb HAVE AND A PRONOUN
Lesson 3
A bus trip, names of trades and
professions, affirmative
contractions in the past perfect an
Lesson 4
At the tobacco shop, names of colors
Lesson 5
At the doctor´s, names of diseases
and sicknesses
Lesson 6
At the dentist's, countries,
nationalities, an languages
Lesson 7
At the butcher shop, meats and fish
Lesson 8
At the vegetable store, vegetables
Lesson 9
At the fruit store, fruit and nuts
Lesson 10
At the barber shop, suplementary
Lesson 11
At the beauty shop, names of

Lesson 1

Being introduced and saying good-

bye, 10. afirmative contractions

with forms of the verb be and a


Lesson 2

A telephone conversation,

affirmative contractions with forms

of the verb HAVE AND A PRONOUN

Lesson 3

A bus trip, names of trades and

professions, affirmative

contractions in the past perfect an


Lesson 4

At the tobacco shop, names of colors

Lesson 5

At the doctor´s, names of diseases

and sicknesses

Lesson 6

At the dentist's, countries,

nationalities, an languages

Lesson 7

At the butcher shop, meats and fish

Lesson 8

At the vegetable store, vegetables

Lesson 9

At the fruit store, fruit and nuts

Lesson 10

At the barber shop, suplementary


Lesson 11

At the beauty shop, names of

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