Lofts in Berlin

Autor: Varios

ISBN: 9076886067

Editorial: Tectum Publishers

Edición: 1

Páginas: 283

Formato: 30x25x2.5

Cant. tomos: 1

Año: 2002

Idioma: España

Origen: Paraguay

Disponibilidad.: Disponible

Gs 288.000
The trend of multi-storey factories as places to live has been followed in Berlin for a long time now. Whether former chocolate or margarine factories or old industrial yards, where once electric light bulbs or sewing machines used to be made, as in other European cities, there are highly desirable, endlessly large apartments in the centre of Berlin too. In terms of urban development, they represent a document of industrial revolution in a capital. At the same time, they have also become an expression of a post-modern awareness of life.
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