Nasal plastic surgery

Autor: McCollough

ISBN: 0721640672

Editorial: Saunders

Edición: 1

Páginas: 388

Formato: 29x22x2.4

Cant. tomos: 1

Año: 1994

Idioma: España

Origen: Estados Unidos de América

Disponibilidad.: Disponible

Gs 200.000
This text addresses practical issues and deals not only with the "how's" but the "why's" of advocated technical options available to the surgeon. In addition to fundamental surgical concepts, patient management and the socioeconomic issues, the book focuses on specific dilemmas encountered with both primary (or aesthetic) rhinoplasty as well as revisional (and reconstructive) nasal surgery. Selected examples of common problems encountered by the nasal plastic surgeon are presented. Case studies include an evaluation of the problem, along with a detailed description (using both photographs and drawings) of the techniques used for correction.
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