The book, "Surgical Atlas of Spinal Operations" is a noble effort by the author, highlighting techniques for minimizing the morbidity of spine surgery operations, reduced operative time with less potential blood loss, less requirement for postoperative pain medication, shorter hospital stays and an expedited return to normal activities.
Written by leaders in the fields of orthopedic spine surgery and neurosurgery with contributions from other surgical specialties, "Surgical Atlas of Spinal Operations" provides a comprehensive review of the anatomy of surgical approaches to the spine and step-by-step illustrated descriptions of surgical techniques for various spinal disorders.
Key Points:
* Written by well-recognized personalities in the field, this comprehensive text and atlas brings together experts from around the world to discuss the full scope of spinal surgery.
* This book presents expanded coverage of all aspects of spinal surgery including cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine; adult and pediatric problems; degenerative conditions, deformities, tumors, fractures, infections as well as indications, conditions, surgical techniques, pre and postoperative care and possible complications.
* This book is divided into several sections in an attempt to provide the reader the best understanding of complex topics as well as to facilitate the search for specific information on any of these topics. Each chapter is illustrative, concise, rich in content consisting of a discussion of the indications for using the surgical approach, a step-by-step description of the most common surgical approaches to the spine, a review of the pertinent anatomy, a discussion of the postoperative care and potential complications associated with the approach.
* The liberal use of full-color illustrations (nearly 800 illustrations along with clinical pictures) and radiographic images adds to the value of this text by simplifying these complex topics.
* A list of key points summarizes the most important information of each chapter.
* This book encompasses a wide variety of techniques that must be mastered by the spine surgeon, starting from the common lumbar decompression to complex sacrectomy and vertebral osteotomy.
* Newer technologies including disk arthroplasty, interspinous spacers and minimally invasive techniques are also included in the book.
* A few titles related to spinal surgery have been brought out by JBMP but none discusses in detail the surgical techniques pertaining to all the parts of the spine. These books discuss only certain specific techniques related to spine surgery.
Section 1: Surgical Anatomy
Chapter 1 Transoral approach to the craniocervical junction and upper cervical spine
Chapter 2 Transmaxillary approach to the clivus and upper cervical spine
Chapter 3 High cervical retropharyngeal approach to the upper cervical spine craniovertebral junction
Chapter 4 Far lateral approach to the craniocervical junction
Chapter 5 Posterior approach to the craniocervical junction and posterior cervical spine
Chapter 6 Anterior approach to the midcervical spine
Chapter 7 Anterior approach to the cervicothoracic junction (low cervical-supraclavicular, transclavicular-transmanubrial, trans-sternal-transthoracic)
Chapter 8 Anterior transthoracic approaches to the cervicothoracic junction (transaxillary, transpleural transthoracic third rib resection)
Chapter 9 Posterolateral approaches to the cervicothoracic junction and thoracic spine
Chapter 10 Thoracoabdominal approach
Chapter 11 Anterior retroperitoneal approach
Chapter 12 Posterior and posterolateral (Wiltse) approach to the lumbar spine
Section 2: Cervical Spine Techniques
Chapter 13 Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
Chapter 14 Anterior cervical arthroplasty
Chapter 15 Anterior cervical corpectomy
Chapter 16 Transoral odontoid excision
Chapter 17 Odontoid screw fixation
Chapter 18 Occipital fusion techniques
Chapter 19 Posterior atlantoaxial fusion techniques (transarticular screws, Harm's technique, wiring constructs)
Chapter 20 Open posterior cervical foraminotomy and discectomy
Chapter 21 Minimally invasive posterior cervical foraminotomy and discectomy
Chapter 22 Posterior cervical laminectomy
Chapter 23 Posterior cervical fusion and lateral mass screw fixation
Chapter 24 Minimally invasive cervical lateral mass fixation
Chapter 25 Cervical pedicle screw fixation
Chapter 26 Posterior cervical laminoplasty (open door and French door techniques)
Chapter 27 Posterior cervico-thoracic osteotomy
Section 3: Thoracic Spine Techniques
Chapter 28 Posterior thoracic discectomy techniques (costotransversectomy and lateral extracavitary approaches)
Chapter 29 Anterolateral open thoracotomy approach for thoracic discectomy
Chapter 30 Thorascopic thoracic discectomy
Chapter 31 Anterior thoracic corpectomy and fusion
Chapter 32 Anterior release and fusion for thoracic scoliosis
Chapter 33 Extreme lateral thoracic interbody fusion
Chapter 34 Posterior reduction and fusion for thoracic scoliosis
Chapter 35 Percutaneous pedicle screws and rods for deformity reduction
Chapter 36 Pedicle subtraction and Smith-Peterson osteotomy
Chapter 37 Posterior thoracic vertebral column resection